The Sisters' Guide to In-Depth Bible Study, By Victoria L. Johnson

The Sisters' Guide to In-Depth Bible Study

by Victoria L. Johnson

The Sisters' Guide to In-Depth Bible Study
  • Length: 143 pages
  • Published: April 24, 2003
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 2049
  • ISBN: 9780830820498

*affiliate partner

Do you want to study the Bible on your own but find yourself overwhelmed by complicated, cumbersome study methods?

Are you a group leader looking for exciting resources to bring new life to your teaching?

Is your time in the Word dry and lifeless, or do you find Scripture hard to understand?

Victoria Johnson--a busy speaker, teacher, author and mother--has discovered an easy-to-follow method that has made Bible study come alive for her and for many others she has taught. In this book she reveals seven practical principles for study that can transform your life.

Related with passion, warmth, wisdom and humor, Johnson's step-by-step instructions can help both individuals and groups discover the power of Bible study for themselves.

Originally published as Bible Study for Busy Women, this revised edition also includes a twelve-week study guide for small groups and study helps for leaders.



Part One: Getting Motivated
1. Feastin' on Soul Food
2. Beatin' the Bible Study Blues
3. Study! Sisters, Study!
4. Stinkin' Bible Study Thinkin'
5. No Time! Help a Sister Out
6. Ready, Set, You Go Girl!

Part Two: The Seven Principles of Bible Study
7. Preparing the Pasage
8. People
9. Places
10. Plot
11. Problems
12. Purpose
13. Personal Application

Appendix A: Leader's Guide

Appendix B: Choosing a Bible Version

Appendix C: Resources

Appendix D: Poetry Example


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Victoria L. Johnson

Victoria L. Johnson, a writer and speaker based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has been involved in Christian education and women's ministry for more than two decades. She has served as a Campus Crusade for Christ staff member, as assistant director of a crisis pregnancy center, and as a Moody Bible Institute Extension instructor. She is currently working with several social service agencies in the African American community, including Sojournah Truth House (a domestic violence agency), CareNet of Milwaukee (a crisis pregancy center), Bethany Christian Services (sexual abstinence program) and New Horizon Center (a group home for boys). Johnson's books include Sister's Guide to In-Depth Bible Study and Restoring Broken Vessels. She teaches nationally and internationally on women's Bible study, sexual issues and emotional pain.