The Message of the Sermon on the Mount, By John Stott
The Message of the Sermon on the Mount
  • Length: 224 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: May 19, 2020
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 2423
  • ISBN: 9780830824236

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"The followers of Jesus are to be different," writes John Stott, "different from both the nominal church and the secular world, different from both the religious and the irreligious. The Sermon on the Mount is the most complete delineation anywhere in the New Testament of the Christian counter-culture." In the Sermon on the Mount, the "nearest thing to a manifesto" that Jesus ever uttered, we find Jesus' own description of what he wanted his followers to be and do.

In this Bible Speaks Today volume, Stott guides readers through Jesus' well-known but often poorly understood teachings in Matthew 5 through 7. Leading us to listen carefully to the meaning of each verse in its context, Stott also confronts the challenges this text raises for today's Christians and draws out practical applications.

This revised edition features lightly updated language, current NIV Scripture quotations and a new interior design. A seven-session study guide at the end of the book will help you more deeply ponder the message of the Sermon on the Mount and how it speaks to your life.


General preface
Author’s preface
1. Introduction: what is this sermon? (5:1–2)
2. Christian character: the Beatitudes (5:3–12)
3. Christian influence: salt and light (5:13–16)
4. Christian righteousness: Christ, the Christian and the law (5:17–20)
5. Christian righteousness: avoiding anger and lust (5:21–30)
6. Christian righteousness: faithfulness in marriage and honesty in speech (5:31–37)
7. Christian righteousness: non-retaliation and active love (5:38–48)
8. Christian religion: not hypocritical but real (6:1–6, 16–18)
9. Christian prayer: not mechanical but thoughtful (6:7–15)
10. Christian ambition: not material security but God’s rule (6:19–34)
11. Christian relationships: to fellow believers and the Father (7:1–12)
12. Christian relationships: to false prophets (7:13–20)
13. Christian commitment: the radical choice (7:21–27)
14. Conclusion: who is this preacher? (7:28–29)
Study guide


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John Stott

John R. W. Stott (1921–2011) fue conocido como un predicador, evangelista y comunicador de las Escrituras por todo el mundo. Él sirvió como rector de All Souls Church en Londres y fue un participante principal en la importantísima Lausanne Covenant (1974). Sus muchos libros, incluyendo Basic Christianity, The Cross of Christ y Christian Mission in the Modern World, han vendido millones de copias.