The Letters of John: An Introduction and Commentary, By John Stott alt

The Letters of John

An Introduction and Commentary

Tyndale New Testament Commentaries


by John Stott

The Letters of John
  • Length: 240 pages
  • Dimensions: 0 × 0 in
  • Published: June 10, 2014
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 9826
  • ISBN: 9780830898268

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"John evidently loves the people committed to his care," says John Stott in the preface to this commentary on 1, 2 and 3 John. "They are his 'dear children,' his 'dear friends.' He longs to protect them from both error and evil and to see them firmly established in faith, love and holiness. He has no new doctrine for them. On the contrary, he appeals to them to remember what they already know, have and are. He warns them against deviating from this and urges them to remain loyal to it. Whenever innovators trouble the church, and ridicule whatever is old or traditional, we need to hear and heed John's exhortation, to continue in what we have learned and received, and to let it continue in us."

The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries have long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world's most distinguished evangelical scholars, these twenty volumes offer clear, reliable, and relevant explanations of every book in the New Testament.

These Tyndale volumes are designed to help readers understand what the Bible actually says and what it means. The introduction to each volume gives a concise but thorough description of the authorship, date, and historical background of the biblical book under consideration. The commentary itself examines the text section by section, drawing out its main themes. It also comments on individual verses and deals with problems of interpretation. The aim throughout is to get at the true meaning of the Bible and to make its message plain to readers today.

The original, unrevised text of this volume has been completely retypeset and printed in a larger, more attractive format with the new cover design for the series

"The Tyndale volumes have long been the premier shorter-length commentary series on both Testaments throughout the English-speaking world."

Craig Blomberg, Denver Seminary

"Tyndale commentaries are always useful, not least because they focus so clearly on the text of Scripture, and do not fall into the trap of paying too much attention to other commentaries and not enough to the scriptural text they are intended to expound and explain. So they retain their usefulness for preachers, Bible study leaders and for all readers of the Bible."

Peter Adam, principal, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia

"Within its constraints, this series includes some outstanding volumes."

D. A. Carson, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

"There simply is no series of medium-length commentaries that approaches the excellence of the Tyndale commentaries."

Donald A. Hagner, Fuller Theological Seminary

"The evenness and quality of this series are remarkable."

Christianity Today


General Preface
Author's Preface to the First Edition
Author's Preface to the Second Edition
Chief Abbreviations


1 John: Analysis
1 John: Commentary
Additional Notes

2 John: Analysis
2 John: Commentary

3 John: Analysis
3 John: Commentary


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John Stott

John R. W. Stott (1921–2011) fue conocido como un predicador, evangelista y comunicador de las Escrituras por todo el mundo. Él sirvió como rector de All Souls Church en Londres y fue un participante principal en la importantísima Lausanne Covenant (1974). Sus muchos libros, incluyendo Basic Christianity, The Cross of Christ y Christian Mission in the Modern World, han vendido millones de copias.