The Contemporary Christian, By John Stott

The Contemporary Christian

by John Stott

The Contemporary Christian
  • Length: 432 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.25 × 8.5 in
  • Published: March 17, 1995
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 1864
  • ISBN: 9780830818648

*affiliate partner

  • Christianity Today 1994 Critics Choice Award winner
  • 1993 Christian Booksellers Association/Europe Book of the Year Award winner

People today reject Christianity not because they think it is false but because they believe it is irrelevant.

John Stott knows otherwise. In this book he challenges all of us to move with the times while standing firmly on the truth of God's Word. "To be 'contemporary' is to live in the present," Stott writes. "To be a 'contemporary Christian,' however, is to ensure that our present is enriched both by our knowledge of the past and by our expectation of the future."

The challenge, then, is to be both conservative and radical--conservative in guarding God's revelation and radical in applying that revelation to the realities of the contemporary world: space travel, homelessness, genetic engineering, pollution, war, health care, gang violence, education and more.

Opening our eyes to the Word and the world, Stott shows how Christianity can speak effectively and relevantly to the contemporary world. He includes chapters on the human paradox, authentic freedom, mind and emotions, evangelism and social action, the pastoral ideal and dimensions of renewal.

For those familiar with Stott, The Contemporary Christian is a "must-read" book. For those who have not yet benefited from his insight and passion, The Contemporary Christian affords the perfect opportunity to get acquainted with one of the most widely read and respected Christian thinkers at work today.

"Every church should buy a copy, every church bookstall should stock it, and every minister should read it!"

Peter Cotterell in Christian Herald

"Vintage Stott, with all that that implies. In it, as usual, we find him digesting and deploying a wide range of material with a symmetry matching that of Mozart, a didactic force like that of J. C. Ryle, and a down-to-earth common sense that reminds on of G. K. Chesterton. It is really a pastoral essay, a sermon on paper aimed at changing people . . . an outstandinglly good book."

J. I. Packer in Christianity Today


Chief Abbreviations


Introduction: The Then and the Now

Part I: The Gospel
1. The Human Paradox
Our Human Dignity
Our Human Depravity
The Resulting Paradox
2. Authentic Freedom
The Negative: Freedom From
The Postive: Freedom For
3. Christ and His Cross
The Word of God
The Cross of Christ
The Power of the Spirit
4. The Relevance of the Resurrection
What Does It Mean?
Did It Really Happen?
Why Is It Important?
5. Jesus Christ Is Lord
Theological Conviction
Radical Commitment

Part II: The Disciple
6. The Listening Ear
Listening to God
Listening to One Another
Listening to the World
7. Mind and Emotions
The Mind
The Emotions
Mind and Emotions
8. Guidance, Vocation and Ministry
9. The First Fruit of the Spirit
Love, Joy and Peace
Love in Action
Love Is the Fruit of the Spirit

Part III: The Bible
10. Continuing the Word
Standing in the Word
Continuing in the Word
Preaching the Word
11. Responding to the Word
Mature Discipleship
Intellectual Integrity
Ecumenical Progress
Effective Evangelism
Personal Humility
12. Transposing the Word
The Hermeneutical Problem
Our Own Cultural Imprisonment
The Bible's Cultural Conditioning
Examples of Cultural Transposition
13. Expounding the Word
Two Convictions
Two Obligations
Two Expectations

Part IV: The Church
14. Secular Challenges to the Church
The Quest for Transcendence
The Quest for Significance
The Quest for Community
15. Evangelism Through the Local Church
Various Forms of Evangelism
The Church Must Understand Itself (Theology)
The Church Must Organize Itself (Structures)
The Church Must Express Itself (Message)
The Church Must Be Itself (Life)
16. Dimensions of Church Renewal
17. The Church's Pastors
The Priestly Model
The Pastoral Model

Part V: The World
18. The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ
Arguments for Pluralism
The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Savior
Jesus is Ours
19. Our God Is a Missionary God
The God of the Old Testament
The Christ of the Gospels
The Holy Spirit of the Acts
The Church of the Letters
The Climax of the Revelation
20. Holistic Mission
Evangelism and Social Responsibility
The Biblical Basics for This Partnership
Five Objections Considered
Some Examples of the Partnership
21. The Christology of Mission
The Incarnation of Christ (The Model)
The Cross of Christ (The Cost)
The Resurrection of Christ (The Mandate)
The Exaltation of Christ (The Incentive)
The Spirit-Gift of Christ (The Power)
The Parousia of Christ (The Urgency)

Conclusion: The Now and the Not Yet
Kingdom Come and Coming
Revelation, Holiness and Healing
Church and Society

Index of Names

Index of Subjects

Study Guide


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John Stott

John R. W. Stott (1921–2011) fue conocido como un predicador, evangelista y comunicador de las Escrituras por todo el mundo. Él sirvió como rector de All Souls Church en Londres y fue un participante principal en la importantísima Lausanne Covenant (1974). Sus muchos libros, incluyendo Basic Christianity, The Cross of Christ y Christian Mission in the Modern World, han vendido millones de copias.