Power: Living by the Spirit of God, By Scott Nelson


Living by the Spirit of God

Forge Guides for Missional Conversation

by Scott Nelson
Foreword by Alan Hirsch

  • Length: 70 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: September 04, 2013
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 1046
  • ISBN: 9780830810468

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The mission of God has a church. So the church needs to be in sync with the mission of God. This is the guiding philosophy of the Forge Missions Training Network, which has helped church leaders and laypeople alike all over the world to reach their neighbors, their neighborhoods and their communities with the gospel. In these guides you and your friends will be equipped to be missionaries where you are—which is why God has a church in the first place.

In Power: Living by the Spirit of God you and your friends will wrestle with the fact that the mission of God wouldn't happen without the Spirit of God. You'll consider the role of the Holy Spirit in making God known, making Christian community flourish, and making justice and peace realities in our midst. You'll come to relish the presence and power of God's Spirit even as you move deeper and more boldly into God's mission.

Other volumes in the Forge Guides for Missional Conversation:

Community: Living as the People of GodCulture: Living in the Places of GodMission: Living for the Purposes of GodVision: Living Under the Promises of God

"The possibilities we can imagine for our life are largely determined by the assumptions we have adopted about what life is all about. For most people, these assumptions lead us away from being on mission everyday with God. Through the practice of tried-and-true spiritual disciplines done together in community, these guides will help people uncover those assumptions and renew their minds in light of what God's Word says life is all about, so they can begin to really live, think and act like missionaries in the places God has called them."

Mike Breen, global team leader, 3DM

"If we truly understood that we are missionaries wherever we live, it would absolutely change everything. That is not an understatement, and the Forge Guides for Missional Conversation guide us into exactly how to go about doing that."

Dan Kimball, author of They Like Jesus but Not the Church

"Most churches no longer need to be convinced to move outside the confines of the church building and engage in God's mission. What churches are now asking for are practical resources to activate congregations toward missional action. Scott Nelson's Forge Guides for Missional Conversation do just that. He has created a series of helpful tools that provides serious theological reflections along with practical steps in getting there. I cannot recommend these guides more highly to any group serious about engaging God's mission."

Brad Brisco, coauthor of The Missional Quest

"Scott Nelson has given us a gem. If you want to live on mission with others in a way that is faithful to God, mindful of your context, with theological depth, then the Forge guides are for you. Get a group of people, start engaging these guides, and you will find the life you were meant to live!"

JR Woodward, cofounder, The Ecclesia Network, and author, Creating a Missional Culture

"The Forge Guides are full of simple but provocative questions that are designed to help groups become a transformative presence in any context."

Shawn Young, national director of chapter planting, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship


Foreword by Alan Hirsch
Introduction to the Forge Guides
Using the Forge Guides

Introduction: Power: Living by the Spirit of God

Session 1: Living by the Power That Guarantees the Future
Session 2: Living by the Power That Conquers Death
Session 3: Living by the Power That Makes God Known
Session 4: Living by the Power That Establishes Justice, Peace and Freedom
Session 5: Living by the Power That Generates New Community
Session 6: Living as the Church in the Power of the Spirit

Appendix: Tips for Having Great Small Group Gatherings
Recommended Resources for Further Study



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Scott Nelson

Scott Nelson is the theological director for Forge America, part of an international missions training network. Prior to his work with Forge, Scott was a pastor of adult discipleship and small groups.