Not Finished Yet: Trusting God with All My Feelings, By Sharon Garlough Brown

Not Finished Yet

Trusting God with All My Feelings

by Sharon Garlough Brown
Illustrated by Jessica Linn Evans

Not Finished Yet
  • Length: 32 pages
  • Dimensions: 9 × 9 in
  • Published: June 25, 2024
  • Imprint: IVP Kids
  • Item Code: A0795
  • ISBN: 9781514007952

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Sometimes, you see, Wren and Gran didn't paint flowers or clouds or birds or trees.
Sometimes they painted their feelings.
She and Gran called it "painting prayers."

Gran's art studio is one of Wren's favorite places in the world. Not only is it where Wren and Gran paint, but it's also where they talk about all the good and hard stuff of life—to each other, and to God. Join young Wren as she explores her feelings and discovers that God welcomes our honest prayers.

This gentle story by bestselling Christian novelist Sharon Garlough Brown, paired with exquisite illustrations from Jessica Linn Evans, will be enjoyed by children as well as the adults who read with them. Also included is a note from the author to encourage further conversation about the content.

Discover IVP Kids and share with children the things that matter to God!

"A book about opening our hearts to God—something all God's children need to learn. In this story, see through the eyes of a child how our emotional life can be prayer, offered with the holy simplicity and trusting faith of one who learns to rest in the Father's love. Readers of Sharon Garlough Brown's other books will recognize the gifts she is offering here."

Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, author of Glittering Vices

"What a stunning, delightful book! Sharon Garlough Brown's gentle and elegant storytelling is accompanied by the gorgeous and stirring illustrations by Jessica Linn Evans. Not Finished Yet is prayer in picture book form. What a gift to young readers and the adults who love them. Readers of Glenys Nellist and Crystal Bowman will want to have a copy for their shelf."

Susie Finkbeiner, author of Stories That Bind Us

"Sharon Garlough Brown has once again proved her genius as storyteller and teacher. In the new picture book Not Finished Yet, Sharon expands our understanding of prayer. Wren, the young girl in the story, and her grandmother paint their feelings and their prayers in living color on large canvases. When Wren's painting becomes a total mess, her grandmother listens to Wren's misery and helps her to transform her canvas into a visual lament. This is a lovely book—both beautiful and full of love. Each page is a canvas for the wonderful and intricate watercolors of artist Jessica Linn Evans. Each face is a canvas for the emotions and longings of the characters. Together, the story and the pictures expand our image of a loving God who wants to hear and see all our thoughts and feelings—even the messy ones. Not Finished Yet is a finished little masterpiece for both children and adults to savor."

Sybil MacBeth, author of the Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God series

"With her signature sensitivity and spiritual insight, Sharon Garlough Brown has penned a tender children's book that is sure to become a classic. Not Finished Yet helps readers (of all ages) acknowledge and express their unwelcome feelings of disappointment. This beautifully illustrated book is a treasure that I'm eager to share with my grandchildren."

Lynn Austin, author of All My Secrets

"We can't give what we don't have. No one knows this—nor fears this—more than parents. Thankfully, with Not Finished Yet, Sharon Garlough Brown and Jessica Linn Evans have offered us a gift that provides as much for us parents as it does for our children. It is a gift that our children—and as it turns out, we adults—so desperately need. For indeed, we each need to be invited to name all that we feel in the presence of the God who is longing to hear it—and be lovingly transformed as we do. Read this story to your children. Read this story to yourself. And when you do, allow yourself to be captivated by the God who is in the business of creating beauty and goodness in the places we might least expect to find it."

Curt Thompson, psychiatrist and author of The Soul of Desire and The Deepest Place

"Not Finished Yet is a warm and welcoming story that invites children and their adults to bring all the parts of themselves to God. Nestled in the safe relationship of grandparent and grandchild, children are invited to enter creatively into color, shape, and form as ways to express their feelings to God. Not Finished Yet is one to enter into over and over again with the child most near to you. I highly recommend it."

Lacy Finn Borgo, spiritual director, teacher, and author of Faith Like a Child

"Since the beginning of time, we have been hiding from ourselves, from each other, and from God. In this gentle, brave, and winsome work, Sharon Garlough Brown calls out the encouraging question first spoken by our Loving Creator: 'Where are you?' The gift of this book is it offers a way for children (and the child inside of each of us) to answer that question honestly, vulnerably, and creatively—especially in their darkest places—allowing them (and us) to come out of hiding and into God's loving embrace."

Tara Owens, founder of Anam Cara Ministries, spiritual director, and author of Embracing the Body

"This book is for children, yes, but it's also for the child in all of us. When our emotions get too big for our bodies, we can trust Sharon Garlough Brown. She's the wise voice of Wren's grandmother, gently reminding us that we're a work in progress. Nothing—not even our biggest, scariest feelings—can separate us from the love of God."

Sarah Arthur, author of Once a Queen and A Light So Lovely

"Not Finished Yet: Trusting God with All My Feelings is a book that speaks directly to families and educators who are committed to fostering open communication, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth in their children. This beautiful and meaningful addition to a child's collection of spiritual books is a testament to the collaborative efforts of Sharon Garlough Brown and Jessica Linn Evans, who have created a timeless story that will help young readers understand the value of sharing their feelings with loved ones and with God."

The Children's Book Review, May 2024

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Sharon Garlough Brown

Sharon Garlough Brown is a spiritual director, speaker, and cofounder of Abiding Way Ministries, providing spiritual formation retreats and resources. She is the author of the bestselling Sensible Shoes Series of novels, which includes Sensible Shoes, Two Steps Forward, Barefoot, An Extra Mile, and their study guides.