Keith S. Whitfield

Keith S. Whitfield

Keith S. Whitfield

Keith S. Whitfield serves as vice president of academic administration at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and assistant professor of Christian theology. He is the editor of Trinitarian Theology and Loving Your Muslim Neighbors, and serves as the editor of ETS eBook Series for BH. He has also contributed two chapters to Theology and Practice of Mission: God, The Church, and The Nations and co-wrote a chapter for Theology for the Church and a chapter for Missiology: An Introduction to Missions. Prior to joining the faculty at Southeastern, Keith served churches in Indiana, Virginia, and Tennessee, and served as an elder at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. He and his wife Amy have two children.

Edited by Nathan A. Finn and Keith S. Whitfield
Edited by Nathan A. Finn and Keith S. Whitfield