Jesus, Paul and the People of God: A Theological Dialogue with N. T. Wright, Edited by Nicholas Perrin and Richard B. Hays

Jesus, Paul and the People of God

A Theological Dialogue with N. T. Wright

Wheaton Theology Conference Series

Edited by Nicholas Perrin and Richard B. Hays

Jesus, Paul and the People of God
  • Length: 294 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: February 09, 2011
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 3897
  • ISBN: 9780830838974

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At the 2010 Wheaton Theology Conference, leading New Testament scholar N. T. Wright and nine other prominent biblical scholars and theologians gathered to consider Wright's prolific body of work. Compiled from their presentations, this volume includes Tom Wright's two main addresses, one on the state of scholarship regarding Jesus and the other on the state of scholarship regarding the apostle Paul. The other nine essays critically interact with these two major themes of Wright's works.

Much appreciation is shown, overviews are given, perspective is provided and some pointed questions are also raised. Together these essays represent the best of critical yet charitable dialogue among serious and rigorous scholars on theological themes vital to Christian faith that will propel New Testament scholarship for the next decade to come.

With essays by

  • Jeremy Begbie
  • Markus Bockmuehl
  • Richard B. Hays
  • Edith M. Humphrey
  • Sylvia Keesmaat and Brian Walsh
  • Nicholas Perrin
  • Marianne Meye Thompson
  • Kevin J. Vanhoozer

"Both scholars and ministerial practitioners will benefit from this guide to Wright's work. The dialogue between Wright and his critics results in the clarification of numerous questions that he has raised in the last two decades. Wright's integration of exegesis, theology, and the practical concerns in the life of the church also provides the basis for continuing dialogue."

James W. Thompson, Restoration Quarterly, 55:4 (2013)

"This is a fabulous, learned, and enjoyable cohort of essays in dialogue with one of the most influential Christian scholars of our time. It celebrates Wright's work, but he does not receive a free run on any subject either. It is well worth reading for those interested in the interface between biblical studies and systematic theology."

Michael F. Bird, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, December 2011

"This book propels New Testament scholarship into the next decade."

Wheaton Alumni Magazine, Autumn 2011



Part One: Jesus and the People of God
1 Jesus and the Victory of God Meets the Gospel of John
Marianne Meye Thompson
N. T. Wright's Response

2 Knowing Jesus: Story, History and the Question of Truth
Richard B. Hays
N. T. Wright's Response

3 "Outside of a Small Circle of Friends": Jesus and the Justice of God
Sylvia C. Keesmaat and Brian J. Walsh
N. T. Wright's Response

4 Jesus' Eschatology and Kingdom Ethics: Ever the Twain Shall Meet
Nicholas Perrin
N. T. Wright's Response

5 Whence and Whither Historical Jesus Studies in the Life of the Church
N. T. Wright

Part Two: Paul and the People of God
6 Glimpsing the Glory: Paul's Gospel, Righteousness and the Beautiful Feet of N. T. Wright
Edith M. Humphrey
N. T. Wright's Response

7 The Shape of Things to Come? Wright Amidst Emerging Ecclesiologies
Jeremy S. Begbie
N. T. Wright's Response

8 Did St. Paul Go to Heaven When He Died?
Markus Bockmuehl
N. T. Wright's Response

9 Wrighting the Wrongs of the Reformation?
The State of the Union with Christ in St. Paul and Protestant Soteriology
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
N. T. Wright's Response

10 Whence and Whither Pauline Studies in the Life of the Church?
N. T. Wright

Subject Index
Scripture Index


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Nicholas Perrin

Nicholas Perrin is president of Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois. His previous books include Thomas: The Other Gospel, The Exodus Revealed, Jesus the Temple, Jesus the Priest, Lost in Transmission? and The Kingdom of God.

Richard B. Hays

Richard B. Hays is dean and George Washington Ivey Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, Durham, North Carolina. He is the author of several important studies in the New Testament, including Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul and The Moral Vision of the New Testament.