Growing Your Faith by Giving It Away: Telling the Gospel Story with Grace and Passion, By R. York Moore

Growing Your Faith by Giving It Away

Telling the Gospel Story with Grace and Passion

by R. York Moore

Growing Your Faith by Giving It Away
  • Length: 184 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: July 06, 2005
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3262
  • ISBN: 9780830832620

*affiliate partner

Talking about Jesus isn't just good for the people who hear. It's good for you too.

Sometimes the Christian life seems to lose its zip. We fall into a spiritual rut and wonder why our faith seems so dead. Maybe it's because faith stagnates when it's kept to yourself. But when you share it with others, the Holy Spirit energizes you and awakens you to experience life as God intended.

Ordinary people can participate in extraordinary encounters when we follow God's leading to people who need to hear about Jesus. York Moore candidly describes the adventure God has taken him on to share the gospel with people in every sphere of life--family members and coworkers, friends and strangers, people he didn't like and people who didn't like him. Through his vivid stories, we catch a glimpse of the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit to guide us and empower us even when we don't have a clue what to say or do.

Rediscover the energy and passion of following Jesus by telling his story. Grow your faith by giving it away. Warning: The lives God changes may include your own!

"This is a book I have been looking for! It is basic and to the point. If you are either new to outreach or doing training in the area of evangelism this is golden stuff. There isn't nearly enough written on outreach at this level. I was blessed by the generous attitude of Moore. He reaches across numerous approaches and authors who are different and diverse. I love that attitude and approach. I highly recommend this book--I intend to use it in my evangelism training."

Steve Sjogren, author of Irresistible Evangelism and Conspiracy of Kindness

"This book challenged, humbled and helped me immensely. It will do the same for any Christian serious about the task to go and make disciples. York Moore is alive with Christ, and his life of sharing him is the happy overflow. My colleagues and students will grow tired of hearing me say, 'Read this book.'"

Lon Allison, Director, Billy Graham Center, Wheaton College, coauthor, Going Public with the Gospel


Introduction: The Lost Adventure

Part One: Being God's Witnesses
1. Understanding the Gospel
2. Partnering with God
3. Following the Holy Spirit
4. Explaining the Message
5. Breaking the Ice
6. Sharing in Community

Part Two: Reaching Our World
7. Reaching People Close to Us
8. Reaching People We Don't Like
9. Reaching People Who Don't Like Us
10. Reaching People Who Have It All Together
11. Reaching People Under Satan's Power
12. Reaching People with Practical Needs
13. Reaching Anyone God Brings Our Way

Conclusion: Developing a Plan

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R. York Moore

R. York Moore is the national evangelist for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. As a modern-day abolitionist, he has conducted "justice invitationals" throughout the United States in conjunction with many of the world's most effective anti-slavery non-governmental organizations. He has led thousands to faith in Christ through his unique blend of evangelism/justice preaching. He is the author of Growing Your Faith by Giving It Away.