Escape from Reason, By Francis A. Schaeffer alt

Escape from Reason

IVP Classics

by Francis A. Schaeffer
Foreword by J. P. Moreland

Escape from Reason
  • Length: 125 pages
  • Published: June 10, 2014
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 9829
  • ISBN: 9780830898299

*affiliate partner

Truth used to be based on reason. No more. What we feel is now the truest source of reality. Despite our obsession with the emotive and the experiential, we still face anxiety, despair, and purposelessness.

How did we get here? And where do we find a remedy?

In this modern classic, Francis A. Schaeffer traces trends in twentieth-century thought and unpacks how key ideas have shaped our society. Wide-ranging in his analysis, Schaeffer examines philosophy, science, art and popular culture to identify dualism, fragmentation and the decline of reason.

Schaeffer's work takes on a newfound relevance today in his prescient anticipation of the contemporary postmodern ethos. His critique demonstrates Christianity's promise for a new century, one in as much need as ever of purpose and hope.

Schaeffer had a way of communicating Christianity to modern culture--we need more like him today. This book provides an excellent introduction to his ideas.

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, September 2007


Foreword by J. P. Moreland

Chapter 1
Nature and Grace
Aquinas and the Autonomous
Painters and Writers
Nature Versus Grace
Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael

Chapter 2
A Unity of Nature and Grace
The Reformation and Man
More About Man
Reformation, Renaissance and Morals
The Whole Man

Chapter 3
Early Modern Science
Kant and Rousseau
Modern Modern Science
Modern Modern Morality
Kierkegaard and the Line of Despair

Chapter 4
The Leap
Secular Existentialism
The New Theology
Upper Story Experiences
Linguistic Analysis and the Leap

Chapter 5
Art as the Upper Story Leap
Poetry: The Later Heidegger
Art: Andre Malraux
The Theater of the Absurd

Chapter 6
The "Upstairs" in Film and Television
Upper Story Mysticism
Jesus the Undefined Banner

Chapter 7
Rationality and Faith
The Bible Can Stand on Its Own
Beginning from Myself and Yet
The Source of the Knowledge We Need
The "Leap in the Dark" Mentality
The Unchanging in a Changing World



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Francis A. Schaeffer

Francis A. Schaeffer (1912–1984) was a pastor, theologian, and speaker with an international ministry who became one of the most influential figures in American evangelicalism during his lifetime. With his wife, Edith, he founded the L'Abri Fellowship in Switzerland. He was the author of many books, including Escape from Reason and How Should We Then Live?, which have sold millions of copies worldwide.