Entrepreneurial Leadership: Finding Your Calling, Making a Difference, By Richard J. Goossen and R. Paul Stevens
Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Length: 181 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: April 05, 2013
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3773
  • ISBN: 9780830837731

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What does good theology have to do with good entrepreneurship?

In this pioneering work, Richard Goossen and R. Paul Stevens have written what many are already declaring to be the essential resource for Christian entrepreneurial leadership, based on exhaustive research, practical experience and decades of teaching marketplace theology. Entrepreneurial Leadership addresses both the "how-come" and the "how-to," not only grounding the entrepreneurial calling in its proper source in the triune God but also providing practical guides for how to be an effective leader.

Be inspired to find your calling and to make a difference in the marketplace, church and beyond.

"Stevens and Goossen vividly demonstrate how we can effectively integrate business and entrepreneurship with our faith. This book has profound implications not only for individuals but for the nations as well. If Christians operated business in accordance with biblical principles, we could make a difference in this world."

Mary Grace Sumbillo, human resource and organizational development consultant, Christ@Work Philippines Inc., Philippines

"This is a must-read for all Christian entrepreneurs! We are surrounded by cutting-edge books, journals and magazine articles on the how-tos of entrepreneurship, but little has been said about combining the how-tos with the how-comes. Christian entrepreneurs have a bigger calling; they need to build a viable business, but also a business that is pleasing to God and builds the community. This book brings together an entrepreneur and a theologian to present a Christian concept of entrepreneurship and work. What does God's unfolding of creation have to inform us about entrepreneurship and innovation? How can a business become a location for spiritual formation? How do we manage ourselves to be better entrepreneurial leaders, and how can entrepreneurs engage their churches and the wider community to make a difference?"

Clive Lim, managing director, LEAP International Pte Ltd., Singapore

"This book is a captivating effort by Rick Goossen and Paul Stevens to integrate two big themes theologically and practically--entrepreneurship and leadership. Indeed, this book is a handy tool made available for theologians, pastors and marketplace Christians."

Cheong Seng Gee, executive director, P.O.D. Advisory, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

"Paul Stevens and Rick Goossen have done marvelous work in integrating faith and entrepreneurial work as well as balancing theological and practical needs. This book helps me to reflect more in-depth on my practice of entrepreneurship. It guides me to form a solid framework to continue in mentoring and coaching Kingdom entrepreneurs in Asia. I pray that this book will inspire those who respond to God's call in becoming Kingdom entrepreneurial leaders to become salt and light to the world through their work."

Jimmy Pak, founder and managing director of Net-Makers Limited, Hong Kong, and coordinator of Toys Christian Fellowship, Hong Kong

"This is a book for anyone--whether business person, student, social worker, factory worker or pastor--based on the premise that everyone has a calling and an inborn desire to make a difference. Stevens and Goossen have deftly fused the realities of entrepreneurial leadership with the truth that God made us and calls us to entrepreneurial activity in all spheres of our life. This book also makes an excellent textbook for equipping students to have a transformative impact locally and globally in their individual spheres through the integration of their faith and their work."

Gwen Dewey, academic dean, Bakke Graduate University

"Entrepreneurial Leadership provides a fresh biblical perspective on the concept of entrepreneurship. It is cognitive, critiquing humanistic understandings, reflective and practical. The sober approach to the subject especially in relation to wealth creation and loving your neighbour through work is much needed in the African Christian context which tends to gravitate toward the health-and-wealth extremes."

Dwight Mutonono, Leadership Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe

"Entrepreneurship is often perceived as opportunistic or risk-taking but is seldom associated with leadership. Unless we understand that an entrepreneur is also a leader it is difficult for the entrepreneur to be influential enough to make a difference. The authors have done an excellent job helping us to appreciate the association, but more importantly they show that we are created to make this happen. Becoming an entrepreneur and leader at the same time is natural and not mission impossible!"

Jeremy Gwee, CEO, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Singapore

"Entrepreneurs can be most challenging for any organization, yet they are so critical at the time called for change. As the boundaries between church and marketplace are diminishing, we need a book to explore the entrepreneurial leadership which combines both how-tos and how-comes and carries a strong biblical perspective. This is the book."

Joseph Pai, chairman, Ogilvy Mather Taiwan

"Richard Goossen and Paul Stevens present a comprehensive and exhaustive treatise on entrepreneurial leadership that relates entrepreneurship to calling, giftedness and God's purposes. It is an excellent book on integrating faith and work, meaning and work ethic, soul and spirituality, and the essence and practice of entrepreneurial leadership. The book compares the humanist and Christian models of entrepreneurship which is very helpful for those seeking deeper meaning in their work and business. I will recommend this as a textbook for our MBA students in Manila."

Zenet Maramara, director, Center for Biblical Stewardship, Asian Theological Seminary, Manila, Philippines

"This book shows us that we can accept the challenge to lead by example within the creative and entrepreneurial character gifted to all of us by our Creator. This is the guide to a real, working model for leadership and entrepreneurship, showing us that the key to the invigoration of our whole person and calling is found in Christ."

Allen Knight, assistant professor of marketing, Gainey School of Business, Spring Arbor University

"The church has long had an uneasy relationship with businesspeople. Too often entrepreneurs are regarded as second-class Christians, useful only for their financial contributions to fund the 'real' work of ministry. That's a shame. And that's why Entrepreneurial Leadership is such an important book. It not only counters this dangerous misperception, it equips entrepreneurs with the tools they need to live out their callings for God. Goossen and Stevens are gifted guides, adept at helping Christians understand and practice entrepreneurial leadership. I'll be recommending this book to every business and church leader I know."

Drew Dyck, managing editor of Leadership Journal

"The partnership of Rick Goossen and Paul Stevens has produced a compelling and useful compilation of theological and practical insights. The book is rooted in the enduring truths of Scripture as well as the lessons learned from interviewing hundreds of Christian entrepreneurs. This will be an encouraging and helpful resource for those who find their calling in entrepreneurship."

Mitchell J. Neubert, Chavanne Chair of Christian Ethics in Business and associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, Baylor University

"Anyone who wants to be his/her own boss--to pursue opportunity and risk responsibility--should think about God as entrepreneur. Goossen and Stevens bring an entrepreneurial God into dialogue with the successful leaders of their research to enrich and enlarge our understanding of what it means to be an entrepreneurial leader and a follower of Jesus in the workplace, the church and the world. This book will make you think about who you are, why you do what you do and how you do it."

Walter C. Wright Jr., former executive director, De Pree Leadership Center, Fuller Theological Seminary

"This book is a masterpiece! God's Holy Spirit is infused in Rick and Paul's comprehensive writing and into the perspective that God wants to use us to make a difference for him in our sphere of influence. Reading and applying this book has the potential to change your business and your life--NOW!"

Terry Smith, Smith Gardens, Bellingham, Washington

"There are so many books on leadership in the market that one wonders if there is need for another. However, Entrepreneurial Leadership: Finding Your Calling, Making a Difference demonstrates that the topic is far from exhausted. The rigorous, scholarly, yet popularly articulated research and ideas of Stevens's and Goossen's book truly command thought and reflection on the part of both established leaders and those just entering the roller-coaster world of guiding and directing others in the pursuit of a large vision. I'm impressed. I think you will be too."

Jim Cantelon, president of Visionledd (www.visionledd.com) and author of When God Stood Up

"Wow! Entrepreneurial Leadership is chock-full of wisdom, insight and provocative spiritual sidebars. Don't speed-read this gem--you'll miss the meat. Goossen and Stevens don't just plow new ground--they dig deep. Their harvest is rich with meticulous and fascinating research from real-life entrepreneurs. I was sobered and convicted, then inspired. The risk-taking God. The temptations of reward-seeking. Five misunderstandings of calling. Managing your own ego. Why entrepreneurs struggle with church. It's all there--and more. It's an entrepreneurial feast. I'm buying a case of books for my entrepreneurial colleagues and the pastors who don't get it--yet!"

John Pearson, author of Mastering the Management Buckets: 20 Critical Competencies for Leading Your Business or Nonprofit

"At last, public policy, business, academic and church leaders are beginning to come together to explore the pivotal role that entrepreneurs play in value creation and societal well-being. For decades, Rick Goossen and Paul Stevens have been at the forefront of empowering such conversations, bringing together diverse communities to explore the creative and redemptive nature of work in all of life's settings. I can think of no better guide to assist Christian entrepreneurs in their mission-critical journey."

John R. Terrill, director of the Center for Integrity in Business, Seattle Pacific University

"Rick Goossen and Paul Stevens have drawn upon many years of experience, reflection and research to craft a thoughtful and truly unique volume. This book should be widely read, as it is brimming with theological and practical insights that apply to entrepreneurial leadership as it is practiced in many settings."

Kenman Wong, professor, Seattle Pacific University, and coauthor, Business for the Common Good: A Christian Vision for the Marketplace

"Evangelicals for much of the twentieth century ignored the political, economic and social marketplace, focusing instead on preparation for a more heavenly world. Goossen and Stevens break out of those fences, leading us to understand the Christ-given gift of the entrepreneur. This comprehensive treatment of Christ-centeredness in the marketplace provides a curriculum, offering wisdom, encouragement and counsel in this vital arena. It is not too much to say this book is an historic breakthrough on a subject too long ignored. I've begun my list of those to whom I will send a copy."

Brian C. Stiller, global ambassador, the World Evangelical Alliance, and president emeritus, Tyndale University College Seminary

"Richard J. Goossen has been for years speaking to successful entrepreneurs, organizing entrepreneurship conferences and writing on entrepreneurship. R. Paul Stevens has been for years speaking as a marketplace theologian and advocating the integration of faith and work. There are numerous good features in this joint work. I like in particular the quote in the beginning and the mini Bible study at the end of each chapter. The quote points to the key concept in that chapter. The mini Bible study encourages readers to have a biblical foundation to nurture ideas."

Kam-hon Lee, emeritus professor of marketing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

"This book is critical for the twenty-first-century follower of Jesus. No one has thought more deeply and intentionally than Paul Stevens about the call to be faithful in the places that God locates us. The addition of Rick Goosen's input on entrepreneurial leadership, however, takes it to a new level. The call to be transformative locally and globally is both a practical and thoughtful theological conversation that weaves both the 'Why?' and the 'How?' accessibly. It helps us understand our call. This is a must-read for anyone thinking about faithful and 'salty' living."

Gary V. Nelson, president, Tyndale University College and Seminary, and author of Borderland Churches

"Today more than ever we need Christian entrepreneurs who impact every area of society for the kingdom. Rick Goossen and Paul Stevens have provided a tremendous resource that not only envisions entrepreneurs but also provides practical insights built on a solid biblical foundation. Applying the principles in this book, leaders empowered by the Holy Spirit can change the world."

Geoff Tunnicliffe, CEO/secretary general, World Evangelical Alliance

"This is an important book that brings together the best research and a great deal of real-world experience. I believe this book is a very beneficial addition to help reframe how we think about Christian entrepreneurs and, more importantly, it is a book that will help entrepreneurs understand how they can use their entrepreneurial talents and drive to contribute to making the world a better place for all."

Karl Moore, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, recently ranked among the world's greatest business thinkers by Business Strategy Review, published by the London Business School

"This book by Richard Goossen and R. Paul Stevens focuses on both the spirituality of being an entrepreneurial leader and the practical aspects of being one. In its ten chapters, the authors first address the essence of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial leadership, humanistic and Christian models of entrepreneurship, and the meaning and importance of work. The remaining chapters focus on the risks and rewards of being an entrepreneurial leader, finding the right opportunity, aspects of being an entrepreneurial leader and making a difference. By uniquely addressing both aspects clearly and concisely with examples, it is a must-read for anyone starting or already involved in a Christian activity. The book equips individuals from all walks of life to be the entrepreneurial leaders so needed in today's world."

Robert D. Hisrich, Garvin Professor of Global Entrepreneurship and director, Walker Center for Global Entrepreneurship, Thunderbird School of Global Management

"This seminal book on 'the lost notion of calling' and the inner voice of the entrepreneur breaks new ground, is supported by firm research and is rooted in the spiritual capital of the Christian tradition. Anyone trying to find their way in the maze of the marketplace would be better informed by reading it!"

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, research professor, Yale University, and author of Doing Virtuous Business

"Dr. Goossen is a valuable resource for the church as it deals with what it means to be followers of Christ in our daily work, including the field of business."

Gerald Gerbrandt, president, Canadian Mennonite University

"Rick Goossen is the renaissance man of entrepreneurship. With Canadian and US law degrees, he has the legal knowledge. He founded and runs a business that raises money for entrepreneurs, so he has the financial knowledge. He teaches entrepreneurial skills at the university level, so he has the academic knowledge. And perhaps most importantly, all of Goossen's entrepreneurial knowledge and work is guided by his unique, values-driven view of enterprise. Rick Goossen is an entrepreneur for all seasons."

Larry C. Farrell, chairman of The Farrell Company, Phoenix, and author of Searching For The Spirit Of Enterprise, The Entrepreneurial Age and Getting Entrepreneurial!

"Rick Goossen is passionate about helping Christian men and women rethink how they do business for Christ's sake. The message is clear: God's call on our lives is all-encompassing. Our work life is simply one part of the larger fabric of who and what God calls us to be in the world."

John H. Unger, senior pastor, Ft. Garry Mennonite Brethren Church, Winnipeg, MB

"I commend Richard Goossen's work because of what he represents as both a practicing businessperson and academic professor. He is himself an entrepreneur; he knows what he is talking about from experience. Yet he is also a careful student, well-read in a variety of areas including marketplace theology. We need individuals who can straddle the two worlds, who can speak both the language of the boardroom and of the classroom. Such people are rare, but Richard Goossen is one of them. He understands what is necessary to run a successful business and at the same time is mindful of the disciplines of serious academic research."

Richard Higginson, director, Ridley Hall Foundation, Cambridge, UK

"When entrepreneurship and authentic Christianity converge, the impact is almost always transformational. We see this in history and we see it today, all over the world. As this book represents that convergence, prepare for the transformational mission to which you'll be called!"

Peter S. Heslam, Transforming Business, faculty of divinity, University of Cambridge, UK

"This blend of Christian anthropology, sociological research and pioneering discipleship should trigger new fruitfulness in many lives."

J. I. Packer, Board of Governors' Professor of Theology, Regent College

"Goossen and Steven write compellingly on matters that both the church and Christian entrepreneurs need to get to grips with; for this reason I recommend this book as a must-read for church leaders and entrepreneurs."

Kina Robertshaw, Faith in Business Quarterly Journal, Volume 16:2

"Goossen and Stevens bring clarity to an issue that is relevant for many business people, and offer sound principles for how entrepreneurial leaders can more effectively tap their potential and make an impact in the marketplace and the church."

Jeff Huebner, MB Herald, September 2013


1. The Essence of Entrepreneurship
2. The Essence of Entrepreneurial Leadership
3. Humanist Christian Models of Entrepreneurship
4. Soul Spirituality
5. Meaning Work Ethic
6. Risk Reward
7. Finding Your Calling
8. Practicing Entrepreneurial Leadership
9. Sustaining Entrepreneurial Leadership
10. Making a Difference


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Richard J. Goossen

Richard J. Goossen (Ph.D., Middlesex University) is a serial new venture founder and strategic advisor to high-growth and web-based companies. He started the Entrepreneurial Leaders Organization, a British Columbia-based non-profit, and he is director of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Transforming Business, a research and development center at the University of Cambridge, UK. Goossen has written five books, including ePreneur: From Wall Street to Wiki: Succeeding as a Crowdpreneur in the New Virtual Marketplace.

R. Paul Stevens

R. Paul Stevens is professor emeritus of marketplace theology and leadership at Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia, and a marketplace ministry mentor. He has worked as a carpenter and businessman, and served as the pastor of an inner-city church in Montreal. He has written many books and Bible studies, including Doing God's Business, Work Matters, Marriage Spirituality, The Other Six Days and Spiritual Gifts. He is coauthor (with Pete Hammond and Todd Svanoe) of The Marketplace Annotated Bibliography.