Blessed Are the Unsatisfied: Finding Spiritual Freedom in an Imperfect World, By Amy Simpson

Blessed Are the Unsatisfied

Finding Spiritual Freedom in an Imperfect World

by Amy Simpson

Blessed Are the Unsatisfied
  • Length: 192 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: February 13, 2018
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 4497
  • ISBN: 9780830844975

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Christians often hear the idea that following Jesus means that we should be living a life of full satisfaction. How many of us actually experience that kind of life?

Amy Simpson wants to debunk this satisfaction myth in the church. After forty years of walking with Jesus, she writes, "I am deeply unsatisfied not only with my ability to reflect Jesus, but also with the very quality of my intimacy with him. I strongly suspect that the abyss of my nature has not been entirely satisfied by Jesus."

Hers is a freeing confession for us all. Simpson explains that our very unsatisfaction indicates a longing for God, and understanding those longings can bring us closer to relationship with him. And that is where true spiritual health and vitality reside. Read on to discover anew what it truly means to be satisfied in Christ.

"In Blessed Are the Unsatisfied, Amy Simpson considers questions many Christians think about but have been unwilling or unable to openly express. In her personal and engaging style, Amy encourages us to embrace the unsatisfied life because it leads to greater intimacy with the only one who is able to satisfy. A must-read for any believer struggling to live out the 'Christian life.'"

Matthew S. Stanford, author of Grace for the Afflicted

"In Blessed Are the Unsatisfied, Amy Simpson puts a positive spin on what is usually perceived as a negative state of mind. She avoids making unrealistic promises of full and perfect satisfaction in this fallen world, as some are inclined to do. Instead, she shows how 'unsatisfaction' can motivate us to pursue a deeper relationship with God and with others, to learn, grow, and change ourselves, and to invest our energies in making this world a better place for others. Seems we could all use a little more unsatisfaction."

Carolyn Custis James, author of Half the Church and Malestrom

"The first emotion I had reading Blessed Are the Unsatisfied was sheer relief. Raised in the church, I've heard a thousand glib assurances that anyone who trusts Jesus for salvation will be completely satisfied—and I've despaired a thousand times as I've felt that satisfaction elude me. How freeing to hear that being unsatisfied doesn't mean I'm a defective Christian! The second emotion I felt was hope. Simpson gave me permission to stay hungry for ultimate satisfaction while providing strategies for pursuing the abundant life of which Jesus spoke."

Drew Dyck, senior editor,, author of Yawning at Tigers

"The truth is that there are promises of Jesus that are 'here and now, but not yet thoroughly experienced' until we are in heaven. Amy Simpson does an exceptional job of digging deep into God's Word and exposes the truth that we are not completely satisfied in Jesus in this life."

Brad Hoefs, president, Fresh Hope for Mental Health


Introduction: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
1. Jesus Doesn’t Want You to Be Satisfied . . . Yet
The Blessing of Need
2. Sustainable Faith Is Unsatisfied
The Blessing of Perspective
3. Curses and Blessings
The Blessing of God’s Heartbeat
4. How to Live the Unsatisfied Life
The Blessing of Focus
5. Enjoy a Meaningful Life
The Blessing of Company
6. Look for Fulfillment
The Blessing of Growth
7. Appreciate the Gift of Pleasure
The Blessing of Vision
8. Embrace Contentment
The Blessing of Anticipation
9. Satisfaction Is Coming
Discussion Guide


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Amy Simpson

Amy Simpson is an award-winning writer and the author of numerous books, including Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church's Mission and Anxious. She is a former publishing executive who has worked for Tyndale House Publishers, Group Publishing, Gospel Light, Standard Publishing, LifeWay, Focus on the Family, and Christianity Today. She is also a life and leadership coach. Amy has published articles with Christianity Today, Leadership Journal, Today’s Christian Woman, Christian Singles, Group magazine, Relevant, Her.meneutics, and others. She holds an English degree from Trinity International University and an MBA from the University of Colorado. She and her husband, Trevor, live in Illinois and have two children.