Balanced Christianity, By John Stott alt

Balanced Christianity

Expanded Edition

by John Stott

Balanced Christianity
  • Length: 96 pages
  • Dimensions: 0 × 0 in
  • Published: November 21, 2013
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 7191
  • ISBN: 9780830871919

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Christians tend to polarize. Some have an intellectual faith, while others are more emotional. Some focus on structure while others focus on freedom. And some champion evangelism while others advocate for social action. John Stott's classic statement of balanced Christianity shows how we can hold these tensions together in biblical, faithful ways.

Also includes an interview with John Stott with further reflections on the need for balance in contemporary evangelical Christianity.

"'Balance' for John Stott is not about a neutral middle. Instead, it is the vigorous act of faithful both/and living—frequently holding to two extremes rather than sliding to one or the other. This short book is a classic example of Stott's passionate desire to uphold an evangelicalism that does not fall prey to oversimplifications and immature stereotypes but instead displays and articulates a more mature discipleship. This approach, he argues, reflects the Scriptures themselves and enables the kind of thought, relationships and actions that bear witness to Jesus Christ in a complex world. Though first written for a different time, his words are still poignant and provocative."

Mark Labberton, president of Fuller Theological Seminary, author of The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor

"I read this book standing in a bookstore as a college student. When done I bought it, took it home, read it two more times over the course of the year, and then somehow I lost it—no doubt because I loaned it to a friend. In this book John Stott first opened my mind to the delightful joy of truths we cannot always resolve but to which we can commit ourselves in tension. Stott writes here of balance, and as a person he exhibited it. In your hands is one of the great tracts of twentieth-century evangelicalism. Savor it."

Scot McKnight, Northern Seminary

"This book is thoughtful and thought-provoking. Any book that seeks to cause Christians to re-evaluate their rightness over other well-meaning believers is a blessing to the church."

Stephen Burton, Grace Magazine, May 2014



1 Unity, Liberty Charity
2 Intellect Emotion
3 Conservative Radical
4 Form Freedom
5 Evangelism Social Action
6 Life in the Spirit of Truth: An Interview with John Stott



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John Stott

John R. W. Stott (1921–2011) fue conocido como un predicador, evangelista y comunicador de las Escrituras por todo el mundo. Él sirvió como rector de All Souls Church en Londres y fue un participante principal en la importantísima Lausanne Covenant (1974). Sus muchos libros, incluyendo Basic Christianity, The Cross of Christ y Christian Mission in the Modern World, han vendido millones de copias.